In that state between dream and wake she whispers, pink is for passion. Pink is emotional. It speaks to you from your heart. Follow your heart and it will always guide you straight and true. My passion seems to have guided me in the direction of pretty, little paper dolls, each with their own messages for me. As I create each one, I find they become what they want to be even if my original plan is different.

My girls teach me lessons about my true self. They offer wisdom, encourage me every step of the way and challenge me to try something new. Sometimes I find that they can even be a little mischievous, relocating craft supplies when my head is turned or magically placing a different colored dress in front me. My paper princesses seem to have a life of their own. I love each and every one and no matter what I do, I find that the glow of my pink passion is never far off.
Please be sure to visit How Sweet the Sound and say hello to the lovely Beverly. You might just find pink in some unexpected places. (tee hee :)

And pink is such a soothing color! Your new "pink" girl is fabulous!
Kitty, she is so lovely!! What a darling sprite!!
Blessings Sharon
Oh, cuteness! She is the most adorable of dolls ever. Look at her sweet face and those cute pink boots. I think she's one of the most precious ones yet. Perfect for Pink Saturday, and speaking of which...
Happy Pink Saturday to you!
Sheila :-)
This doll looks lovely and does she have a name? Loving your blog and your creativity.
Thank you so very much ladies! I sure do appreciate your visits and lovely comments. *Smiles*
Kitty, your doll is absolutely lovely - I really adore her. I love what you wrote about your girls!
Happy Pink Saturday!
Happy Pink Saturday !!! I have enjoyed visiting your blog as always - Please a wonderful new week.
Just delightful! I love all the dolls I see around your blog, too. Happy Pink Saturday! (a little late)
Cute as a button. I think your creativeness will keep you young forever. Happy Pink Saturday, Char
What a cute pixie she is! Oh, yes, my dolls talk to me all the time and tell me what they want to be and how they want to look!!!
Have a wonderful day!!
Hello, Miss Kitty Kellie,
Your paper princesses are delightful! Thank you for brightening my day with this magical fairy! Also, thank you so much for stopping by Bunny Cottage for a visit. I love to have friends visit! Have a lovely Sunday!! Vicki
Your paper princess is so perfect. You must paint that pretty face on her? The board looks quite heavy too. I have your template but Pan (my Weim) ate one leg so I must print another and I'm out of heavy white paper. I will get this made. I see the one you put together with the flower skirt (I have those flowers) and I love it. You are so talented. Nan
The are so pretty! Thanks for sharing them with us today... and their pinkness!
Your little doll is so beautiful! What girl doesn't love paper dolls! Thanks for stopping by my blog. Please come back again! Tammy
Kitty Kellie Miss Cat here~ Love your post about passion and emotions.... so true..glad you stopped by!
Happy Pink Saturday a little late...
What a lovely doll! Adorable!
~ Gabriela ~
Oh, I love your little fairy! She is adorable and I know exactly what you mean about them playing tricks on you! lol She has the cutest little face and I love her dress.
It makes me so happy that you are keeping paper dolls alive! It seems as if the children these days only play with magnetic or sticker type of "paper dolls". It makes me so sad....they don't know what they are missing.
Thank you for visiting me - I am thrilled you shared your fairy with us!
Hi Kitty,
I love youy sweet little friend and the corset above is just adorable.
I just love your blog and how you work with papers and such..and have signed up to become a follower. I've just started trying to do some paper crafts and you have such great ideas..
Happy late Pink Saturday..I'm trying to get all my visiting done,but then I slow down and look at all the pretty things.. :), so my Pink Saturday visiting is slower than most..
OMG she is so cute and lovely..
Happy Pink Saturday
Hello seo company,
Thank you so much for the visit. I sure do appreciate the kind words. Sending fairy magic for a positively perfect day.
~Kitty Kellie
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