Sending you nothing but fairy magic for Pink Saturday. It has been a busy week, up at the butt crack of dawn every day (3:30 am today) but what has come from it is nothing short of stunning, exquisite and gorgeous all rolled into one. This isn't it but she is still beautiful none the less. Now, close your eyes, make a wish and leave your comment. I promise you, magic will make your heart's desire come true.

Please be sure to visit How Sweet the Sound and say hello to the lovely Beverly. You might just find pink in some unexpected places. (tee hee :)

Side Note: Comment moderation and word verification are enabled and serve a dual purpose for me. If your only interest is in how fast you can copy and paste your way through Pink Saturday, perhaps you are missing the point. It's good to stop and smell the roses or in this case, show some interest and actually read a post or two before you comment. :)
My eyes are closed and I have made my wish!! And your doll is exquisite! Love you hun!
Hi KK,
I agree - I'm not sure why we would just cut and paste our way through all this pink loveliness. I guess it is easy to turn everything into a task and strive for efficiency, but I DO read every word and savor the creativity I find. I printed out your free paper doll the other day and then I found some card stock so I am going to do it again and put her together and make her some gowns. I think my little granddaughter will be enchanted. Your fairy is sweet and good.
Hi Pom Pom,
I shall be by to visit shortly. I find that most who comment do read. There are a small few who seem to do otherwise and then expect us to make it easier for them to do so.
I can't wait to see your doll! :)
Oh- she is for sure, Magical!! I love her beautiful sparkley wings and the perfect rose she holds in her hand.
Can't wait to see what woke you at 3:30AM, just begging to be created! I know it will be nothing short of magnificent!
I just can't get over that you were up at 3:30! That's not even the crack of dawn!! You did good tho, I love her! I haven't really entered into the word of paper and maybe I should. So many gorgeous things to see and do. I love all your paper dolls too. Not enough time in the day for me, so I should not sleep, think of all I could get done. Maybe I will wish for more time........thankyou for another sweet post, and great job on the fairy, she is gorgeous, Char
Hahaha! Thanks for the laugh Char. I've been working on a shadow box doll for Carnival Venezia. I did hope to post her for Pink Saturday but could not get her finished. I work full time so mornings are really the only time during the week that I have to create where I'm not too tired to do so. :)
I am always in awe of these little works and all the attention to detail. As much as I love them, I appreciate you and others who take the time to make them for me to enjoy. It seems I am drawn, for the time being, to larger fabric creations although I love mixed media!
Happy Pink Saturday!
I love your fairy! She is magical! I also love your side note and totally agree with you!!
Happy Pink Saturday!!
I have been up at 3:30 myself more than I like to admit. It's this dog of mine Pan you see over on Retired in Alaska. He has the habit of wanting out at all hours (10 months old) I'm working on saying NO and moving past this. Your little fairy card is gorgeous, love the wings. I have noticed the copy/paste person too. Thanks for the visit to my blog. Nan
Thanks for the fairy magic! It is just what I needed on this oh so snowy Pink Saturday.
I'm so glad you liked my shoe I made. They are really fun to make, especially when you have 10" of snow on the ground and can't go anywhere!!! I made my wish, can't wait to get it.
Hello, Ms. Kitty Kellie,
I love your wonderful creations!! They are truly magical, and I certainly believe in magic with fairies everywhere! Have a lovely weekend, dear friend and Happy Pink Saturday to you! Vicki
what a gorgeous girl!!!
Thanks so much for visiting me - and what a delight your blog is. Can't wait to see what it was that got you up at 3.30am!
Happy Pink!
I closed my eyes and made a wish...and it wasn't that I'd wake up at 3:30 AM!
She's adorable. Thanks for the fairy magic.
I closed my eyes and made a wish...and it wasn't that I'd wake up at 3:30 AM!
She's adorable. Thanks for the fairy magic.
Kitty Kellie,
I love her! She is gorgeous! Now I can't tell my wish or it won't come true! But it is a good one! I have looked around your blog before. I love the work you do. I love how bright alot of it is! Thank You for the amount of work you put into Pink Saturday! Thank You for sharing it with all of us!
Have A Great Day!
Happy Pink Saturday!
Livin' With Hoosiers
What a fun blog! Thanks for stopping by on Pink Saturday. I loved your tutorial on the paper corset. I may have to go make some paper dolls and dress them up in one!
Have a great week,
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