Queenie writes this from her travels to Capitola: I decided to accompany Gloria and her son on a spring break vacation to Capitola, California. Seriously, if you have never visited this part of California, it's awesome! Location, near Santa Cruz, California, beach, ocean, surfing, skate boarding, great restaurants, and the most beautiful scenery. I tried my hand at both skate boarding and surfing. I must say spring break was really action packed. . . .

Sounds like our Queenie had a blast. Gloria, please give yourself a hug and a big heartfelt thanks from me for participating in the TADS project and for showing are Queenie such a gloriously good time filled with exciting new experiences.

To find out more about the Traveling "paper" Art Doll Symposium (TADS) project, click the link to go there. To sign up, leave a comment stating so on the TADS Official Sign Up All images appearing as part of this post are coprighted by ©Gloria Carson and any duplication without her express written consent is prohibited.
What a wonderful excursion Queenie has had. Surfing huh? Bet that was exhilarating. Cool journal pages too!!
Thanks for sharing
What a life that girl leads!!! So exciting! I sure hope she had on a wet suit or something while surfing, the results could have been devastating!!!
Kitty dear!!! This looks like a load of fun! I sure wish I could be there! I will be traveling back home to California in June; San Francisco then L.A. I can't wait!!
Have a lovely day, and keep cutting away!Anita
Oh Kitty, of all people, who knows paper, YOU MUST MAKE A CROWN TEMPLATE!!!! Please, please, it is a must! And I will be the first one to try it on for size! Keep me in the know!
Thank you for coming...you may stay a while and try on ALL the costumes and eat ALL the cake! That's what wonderous about blogland; calorie-free!
Kitty what fun,your awesome !!
What a great life...
Thanks for sharing,enjoy...
Big Hugs, Laura. xoxx
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