What an exciting find for us. This map is physical evidence that the paper doll city of Papyrus actually did exist and we are closer than ever to discovering the lost temple where the artifacts of Papyrus are thought to have been stored. There's just one small problem with the map.

Setting up a template for a life sized paper doll required enlarging one of my existing patterns to nearly 400% of its original size. The entire schematic would span 21 letter sized pages and print beautifully with my printer set for borderless printing. . . . or so I thought. The first snag in the project would require a little more ingenuity to get the pattern to print correctly and was overcome with the discovery of a tool called Tiler, a free program that allows printing of large graphics over multiple pages.

Read more about the The Papyrus Project, an ongoing project dedicated to bringing you paper doll artifacts and evidence that a living paper doll culture actually existed in history. Here you will discover new terms like archedollogy that are guaranteed to spark your imagination. Check back often to find out how you can participate and become involved in the Papyrus Project.

OMG This is so interesting. And how did I miss the previous post!!!! Thank you Kitty for such an interesting and fun fact! Have a lovely, lovely weekend! Anita
Kellie Girl -
You never cease to amaze me! I love the way your mind works - LOL! You've got my attention with the Papyrus Project Mystery. Can't wait to see where you take us!
...what a fascinating word! Can't wait to see what you have up next!!
xo, Rosemary
btw, I am passing along the Kreativ Blogger award to you! So if you would like the blog button award, please stop by.
Createology is loving archedollogy. You are very clever and have my attention. I love love love paper dolls as does my sister. I shall be following to see what you unearth. Happy archedollogying...
Fabulous...I am totally intrigued!!
Hugging you
Good morning Kitty!!!
Yes, Isn't Tristan fun? I just adore him; I can count on him to teach me a new way to view something, say something in a different way and always make me laugh! And glitter, what artist can do without? :) If you get a moment, please go to my shared blog NOWHERE from my sidebar and see the little theatre production I wrote and drew out and made paper animals from. They are a theatre troop with a lot of personality! The post is called "Take Your Seats Please". Just scroll down in case someone else has posted something new.
Thanks Kitty for visiting and have a beautiful day! Anita
This is an interesting find, indeed!
Wednesday Wallpaper - Abandoned House in Greenery
OH Kitty, you came! Thank you for visiting our whimsical place! All of us that belong to this band of merry artists just love to take off with our imaginations. Thank you for honoring me with your presence...you are a real paper doll artist!
Have a delightful day, Anita
LOL Ha ! At first I thought I read : Anthro-doll-adgie
(Like the cool store!!)
just stopped in to look at your cool blog!! LOVE it!
Hello Kitty,
I've been missing in action it seems..the thought of Spring and about 3 days that were really beautiful brought about the "Spring cleaning" fever..haha Yes, I must have a fever, indeed to be enthused over cleaning.
I had so much remodeling done last year when I moved in to the house that I let all the deep cleaning slide...then winter set in and I hibernated! So now I guess I have no more excuses..LOL
I love your new project and will go read all about it. You are such a clever and artistic lady. I love watching all of your paper beauties unfold. ♥
Stephanie ♥
Oh Kitty how I love your blog. I also enjoy how much you adore paper dolls too. I really enjoyed your new post and your new creations are awesome "like you" !!
Thanks for sharing,your so creative. I love your style...
I love to come by and jump into the paper doll world. Your art brings forth surges of creativity. The human form graced with color and inspiration holds some intriguing secrets.
Thank you for another informative post! I appreciate your efforts.
Kitty, this is just wonderful. I love your imagination and how creative you are! Makes me smile to visit you. :-)
Sorry I've been MIA, but I haven't had computer access. That's about to happen again as I will be at our getaway supervising workmen. Please remember us in your prayers for the sale of that house. I blogged about it so won't go into it here. I appreciate your prayers.
Have a great week, and I'll see you when I return.
Sheila :-)
Hello Kitty (couldn't resist)
Thanks so much for visiting last month. I'm still rather behind in repaying visits. But am so glad that I made it here tonight. What a sweet blog you have, and I love the project. I'll be back to keep up.
Thanks again for your sweet comment.
Hi Gloria, I was looking through my first messages here on blogspot and found yours. Thank you so much for being there for me and leaving such a beautiful welcome.
Given me such a huge hug today. I wanted to return the love!
HUGE HUG!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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