How to nominate a blog:
Anyone can nominate a blog. To do this you simply need to leave a comment in the post for the current month letting you know that nominations are open. For example, the January 09 feature would be open for nominations around the middle of November and close on the 15th of December to give the panel time to select and write the article for the feature.
Include a link to the blog in your comment by copying and pasting the web address from your browser window. Do not attempt to leave it in html code as it will not work, I've already tried. If you miss type the address, we will not spend time searching for the correct one so do be sure you check them carefully before posting. Please also include a brief, 2 sentence statement about why you believe your nominee should be featured. We will include your statement if your nominee is selected for feature so make it a good one!
My panel and I will review nominations once each month and select one blogger to feature either from the nominations or from our picks. If you are selected, you will be contacted and invited to accept or decline the invitation. We will provide you with some interview questions, answers to which will be posted along with photos mutually agreed upon by you and the panel. You as the artist will retain full copyrights to your images and may request their removal any time.
Guidelines for blog nomination:
1. You must nominate a blog that you do not either maintain, or are a co-author of. After all, where's the fun and mystery in that?
2. The blog must be updated regularly. Two posts per month at minimum is required. It is not good etiquette to send visitors to a host/hostess who is never home.
3. The blog must have been maintained for a minimum of six months in order to demonstrate a strong prior history of material.
Requirements 5 and 6 are subjective so when in doubt, make the nomination and/or refer to previously featured artists for help in your selection process.
4. The artwork presented in the blog should be mixed media with a heavy emphasis on paper as a dimensional design element or on artistic dolls. Some examples are: Altered Art (encompasses a broad rage of projects), Paper Shadow Boxes, Paper Dolls, Paper Sculpture, Shabby Chic, Art Dolls, Clay Dolls, and Fairies. While this is not an exhaustive list it is someplace to start.
5. The copy and blog layout should have relevant visual appeal and be creatively written to command attention. Although I would prefer the blog have both 4 and 5 qualities it is not required for inclusion.
While these may seem like very high standards by which one (or several) person(s) judges another, this is absolutely not meant as a way to judge worthiness, talent or artistic expression in any way. You are all worthy, artistic and talented in my eyes. This is my way of recognizing what I believe (and most if not all of you would agree with me) is outstanding, creative achievement in successfully accomplishing the marriage of both art and artful blogging.
The combination of the two is something even I aspire to because such artistry manages to reach beyond the computer screen and connect one person to another through the power of emotional appeal. THAT my friend is the essence of what keeps your visitors coming back to you!
Once you have become a member of the Artful Elite, you are welcome to post a button on your blog as well as the entire article featuring you and your work. You will also be given a permanent link in the sidebar of this blog for having been featured. Click the image below to get the code.

I welcome comments here regarding ideas and thoughts. This is a work in progress that I expect will evolve just as we as artists evolve. Enjoy!
Paper Cat Designs
Awesome idea!
Thank you Denise! I am enjoying the feedback on this. It will be exciting to watch this evolve.
Cheers! =D
HI Kellie,
I want to nominate this blog~,
tell me what you think?
XOXO, Ann-Denise
You always come up with the greatest ideas Kellie! Much success to you my friend, it is very well deserved!
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