Sunday, October 17, 2010

Seafoam and Popped Corn on the Walls?

What in the world does seafoam have to do with popped corn and what on earth is it doing on the walls? I'll give you a hint, it looks something like this. Learn more by following me to Kell Belle Studio!

Friday, October 15, 2010

My Painting Predicament

I have had some difficulty deciding what color to paint the baseboards in the craft room. I have tried at least a half a dozen colors, most of which can be seen here. A few have even been tried twice and so far nothing is knocking my socks off. That elusive "yes" moment when you know you've nailed the perfect solution for you has yet to present itself to me. Get the full scoop on Kell Belle Studio.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Paper Obscenity or Obsession?

You never know just how much you have of something until you put it all in one place. Part of my craft nightmare is that I have paper oozing from every corner of my humble condo.

Before Consolidation

Visiting 5 paper stashes spanning 3 rooms just to find the right paper for the project is not an effective use of craft time. *she admits, nearly blushing* Get the whole story at Kell Belle Studio.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

The Nightmare Before Remodel

 For nearly a year and a half I have been thinking about remodeling my spare room to resemble something like the glossy pictures you see in magazines like "Where Women Create."

The first paint samples were splashed on the wall in Spring of 2009 so while I continued to accumulate and inadequately store "stuff" I have to ask myself what exactly is it that I've been waiting for before moving forward with my project?

They say a disorganized space is a reflection of a disorganized mind but crystal clarity came quickly when my recently divorced, 71 year old father announced he was moving to Arizona to start his new life as a bachelor. I say way to go dad! Then I realized that with him would go my free remodeling help.  

There's nothing like a little fire under the arse to get you moving eh? That said, dad and I leave on our road trip to Phoenix on October 23rd which leaves me only 1 weekend to install the hardwood floor I had planned for the space. Me with a rented electric saw is non negotiable so this has to happen before he leaves.

Sooo, yesterday I spent 8 hours cleaning out the room. Closet doors came off to make room for built in shelves and storage, craft supplies were consolidated and 3 hefty bags later the room took on a dramatically different look than it had mere hours beforehand. 

The Salvation Army comes Monday to haul away items no longer needed. The plan is coming together beautifully because not only is dad coming over next weekend to put in the floor but brother Pat has offered to help and bring his saw! How cool is that unexpected surprise? By this time next weekend I'll have a brand new hardwood floor installed and step 2 of project craft room will have been completed.

The plan is to move from the kitchen table to a beautifully organized and inspiring craft space, the space I have dreamed of for years and am finally making a reality! Thank you Sheri Gaynor (Creative Awakenings) and Kelly Rae Roberts (Taking Flight) for your truly motivating messages of love and possibility. 

Please join me on Kell Belle Studio for remodel progress and photos.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Productively M.I.A.

With nothing but the sound of crickets to keep you company over the past couple of months since my last post, I thought I would let you know what I've been up to.

I've opened an Etsy boutique, designed a new website from scratch and updated every one my online venues to have a consistent look and feel. While there is nothing in the shop and the website is not entirely complete, I have adopted a "why wait" attitude. I'm just gonna "go for it." Since I won't be posting much on this blog, please stop by and see me on my brand spankin' new blog, Kell Belle Studio.

Monday, July 19, 2010

You are Magnificent

I ordered a deck of Wisdom Cards from Louise Hay which were waiting for me in today's mail. These cards are beautifully illustrated and packed with life affirming messages that warm the heart and make me smile.

This was the card I pulled at random as my thought for today. I thought I would share it with you because I think you are magnificent too!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Kell Belle Studio Got Decorative Flourishes

This is the logo of my dreams! I have always wanted something with really pretty flourishes just like this. Thanks to the VectorLady I was able to download a vector file of all kinds of decorative flourishes. Having a vector file gave me the opportunity to take these into Freehand and study how they are made so that I could modify them to fit my needs.

To me this is perfection! I still may do some different things with the frame which could end up being one of the ways I distinguish myself from the crowd.

For now, I am excited and proud to have created something so beautiful to communicate what Kell Belle Studio is all about.  After spending my entire weekend on this, it's time to celebrate. So, with a glass of Pinot Grigo in hand, I toast to a job well done! I hope you all like it too. :)

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Kell Belle Logo Almost Done!

How lucky am I to have an education in graphic arts? I can design my own logos and this one is a beauty! I've about got the new Kell Belle logo nailed down. Outside of a little tweaking here and there, I think what I have not only works beautifully but really expresses who I am and what my work is about.

Design 1

Color theme will be blue-green, lime green and magenta (or vermillion). Right now I'm trying to decide on a frame to use as a possible sign. I can see definite potential for some really unique business card ideas in the tag look above.

Design 2

All I would need to do is add my contact information to the back and perhaps thread the side with some satin ribbon. How cute is that idea?! Of course, you can't go wrong with the classic look without a frame but I would still want to put it on a sign at some point right? I mean, I will need something for the trade shows. (tee hee :)

Design 3

The overall design is very sweet and definitely shows off not only my style but has a personal touch that is all me. Welcome to my life and it's about time I owned it! :)

Monday, July 12, 2010

What Does Abe Lincoln Have to do With Violets?

The answer to that question is absolutely nothing except that I found this ATC of quilled violets I created a few years ago and thought I would share it along with an Abe Lincoln quote that spoke very strongly to me today. Enjoy!

Determine that the thing can and shall be done and then . . . find a way. ~Abraham Lincoln

Sunday, July 11, 2010

What's Your Favorite Kell Belle Logo?

I worked all week drawing pages upon pages of tight comps which is graphic design lingo for "moved from thumbnail sketch to a more finished drawing but still not the final." My heartfelt gratitude goes out to those who have voted on these in the past. The pencil sketch that received the most votes was the one I liked best too and is further developed here in the comps.

Design 1

What we as designers discover is that what we think looks good in our rough pencil sketches doesn't actually work once we start drawing it out in ink. The design must be readable to all not just the designer who might be tempted to turn a blind eye to a small case double "L" that actually looks more like two "F's" to everyone else.

Design 2

Giving up an element that I truly like but does not contribute to my overall design can sometimes feel like I'm lopping off a limb but the end result ultimately is worth the sacrifice.

Design 3

With perseverance, I was able to rework the word belle and still keep the elements that made my "L's" look like "F's." It's interesting that my design takes on a life of its own in the same way that any other artistic medium might. Somehow divine intervention takes control during the creative process ultimately producing something even more sacred and beautiful than originally planned. I really love that about art.

Design 4

I think there are some here that work better than others and I definitely have a couple of favorites. Each of them is different in some way although the kell bell part of it remains unchanged in each. I'm going to invite you as my reader to tell me which one speaks to you.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Positive Affirmations 30-Day Challenge

I know there are many artists who currently work a day job that is unfulfilling. Statistically, 60% of the work force are not satisfied with the work they do. In this situation, it is very easy to spiral downward in a whirlwind of negative thinking when faced with spending large chunks of our time doing something that seems to suck all the life and creativity right out of us.

I do believe that thoughts create our reality, and that our experiences come to us as a reflection of our thoughts and attitudes. In order to make changes from without, we must first begin from within. Today I am proposing a 30-day challenge that will assist you in getting yourself in the right frame of mind so that the answers and action steps that are right for you can flow readily into your experience.

I am proposing a 30-day challenge in using positive affirmations to begin making those changes. You can use the ones posted here which are taken from Louise Hay's Wisdom Cards or write your own affirmations. The only requirement is that your affirmations be positive statements that feed your soul, nurture your heart and feel good when you say them. Do not be concerned with how the object of your affirmations will come about, just be willing to accept that the changes will unfold in the most harmonious ways for you.

Say your affirmations out loud every night before retiring and every morning when you wake up. Stand in front of a mirror and say them, say them silently to yourself throughout the day. When you catch yourself thinking a negative thought, become aware and replace the negative thought with an affirmation. They only real work involved with this exercise is that you be consistent and aware of your thought patterns. Do this for the next 30 days and see what happens. Remember, all you have to loose are negative thoughts.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Tip: Erasing Charcoal Pencil Drawn on Acrylic Paint

I made a rather pleasant discovery today while drawing this face in charcoal pencil. First of all, I don't know about the rest of you but most of the time, I do not draw faces I like on the first try. It usually takes me a few passes to get the face or drawing looking the way I want it. This means there is a lot of erasing going on. The other day while browsing the craft store I found an eraser that was supposed to erase charcoal in addition to being good for erasing graphite.

Eager to try it out, I used it while drawing this face but what I discovered was that the eraser alone was not enough. So, I lightly touched the tip of the eraser with a damp towel and voilà! It worked like a charm in erasing the charcoal lines. For a bit more precision and control, you might also try some Q-tips dabbed with a little water to erase then use the dry end for cleanup. Pretty cool eh? Now I can paint her.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Everyday Bliss: Self Discovery in Creative Journaling

It started with a color, an idea and not much else other than I knew I wanted to create a collage in the same style as Kelly Rae Roberts. So, after choosing one of my favorite colors and some snippets of decorative papers, away I went . It is incredibly liberating to create for the purpose of exploration and enjoyment of the process rather than striving toward a polished, finished piece. I can always go back and create a more detailed piece based upon what I've learned here in this study.

I must have painted this face 3 or 4 times and even at this point, I could contemplate for days the depth I see there already. What I discovered in this exercise alone is how much I love the forgiving nature of oil paints but that there are ways of achieving those effects with a medium that dries as fast as acrylics. While this is still a work in progress, I can honestly say that I am in awe of how this is turning out so far and I had absolutely no idea when I started that my collage would resemble anything like this. I am truly grateful to the universe for showing me what is possible simply by embracing a start.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

The Myth of Kell Belle Studio

As a child, the kids called me names like Kellie jelly or Kellie belly as a way to antagonize me and it worked every time. My own name followed by something as unimaginative as jelly or belly was about as pleasant to hear as fingernails on a chalk board. Ouch!

Design 1

My sister and I were very close as kids, well, except for the time she leaped over the couch in a single bound and broke her arm. It was an impressive leap from where I was sitting and if that wall hadn't been in the way . . .   We had gotten into a fight and I flung her PeeChee (remember those?) across the room sending her school papers flying everywhere. She was so mad at me!

Design 2

As we grew older, she got married, had kids and we sort of drifted apart for awhile. After our mother and step father died in 2004, we began a weekly ritual of getting together on Friday nights to drink wine and watch chick flicks. We didn't have our mom to talk to anymore but we still had each other. Our Friday nights together were a way of honoring and celebrating that.

Design 3

It was during this time that my sister began to call me Kells or Kell Belle which still feels to me like a derivative of that early childhood Kellie belly taunt. This time, instead of being charged with anger and misdirected negativity, it comes from a place of love. It comes from my sister's heart and pierces through mine.

Design 4

Over the next several weeks, I'll be consolidating all of my online accounts (Blog, Twitter, Facebook etc) to reflect this new name. As I do, I'll keep you posted on where to find me. My post today is sprinkled with rough, thumbnail sketches of my new logo design one of which I'll be refining to become my final logo.

Design 5

Do you see one you like? I would love to hear your comments. In the meantime, here is a brief statement about what I am trying to convey in the look of Kell Belle Studio. I approach my ever evolving, mixed media art with the style of a graphic designer and visual artist combined. The logo should covey the clean, crisp, high end feminine quality I have become known for.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Who do I Think I am?

For the past few years, I've watched and followed other artists, all of whom I consider to be successful mostly because they were earning a living doing what they love - their art. The grass always seemed greener on their side of the fence because of the success they now enjoy, success that I have wanted and envied but still have yet to duplicate for myself. This week, clarity has revealed to me that the key to the success I have been looking for lies in my own individuality. Even though I've known this to be true intellectually, I finally understand what it really means in my heart and soul.

Up until now I have tried to be everyone but myself in a variety of ways you may already have noticed but I won't go into them here . How could I expect anyone else to know who I am when I clearly did not know myself? My entire outer world has been a reflection of that mish mash of jumbled and wishy washy intentions that could only ever yield wishy washy results. Changes are coming. The creative life of my dreams is unfolding before me. This photo marks the gateway to a new art venture that is uniquely me. I am proud to introduce you to Kellie Reynolds of Kell Belle Studio.

Up next: How I got the nickname Kell Belle

Friday, July 2, 2010

What do You Really Really Want?

Every day when you wake up, ask yourself, "What do I really, really, really want?" You have to say really, really, really, otherwise you won't believe it. ~ Elizabeth Gilbert

Monday, June 28, 2010

What Would you Do If . . .

I didn't have to ponder this question for very long. The words came rushing out through my pen and into my journal. The freedom in the answers felt like I was running through a field of flowers, sun shining, light breeze on my cheeks, not a sound but the birds and the rustling of grasses, wide open space and me, totally and completely present.

If I knew I could not fail I would:

Embrace uncertainty

Enjoy the process rather than attaching to an outcome

Dive in whole heartedly

Try something new every day

Rip, tear and mess up, I can not fail, only move in a new direction

Eagerly embrace all that the creative universe has to offer